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Before You Exit

omg i love them. i love these vids

THIS is why i love these guys.

BRAIDEN'S GOT MOVES. this is his first time playing just dance on wii and seems so into it

i love this. connor singing lead to better off this way/brick wall

they are all mine.
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introducing INDIGO and JEAN

 Jean: Primrose high waisted shorts
200k IDR

Jean: Mint high waisted shorts
200k IDR

Indigo: Onyx cropped long-sleeved velvet top
250k IDR

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IFW 2012: Day 2!

hahahaa males nulis so all you need to read is all IN HERE INCREASED FONT BOLD AND UNDERLINED LINK thank you. :D i wrote it in Alcea Rosea's blog with pictures!! leave comments

oh and new designs for Alcea Rosea's collection, Naïveté, featuring INDIGO and JEAN still not out yet.
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yes. i know i promised i would post at least once a month......but i forgot everytime. SORRY GAAIZZZ gayz whatever. 

AND YES today was valentine's day andddd HAJ gave me stuff and GUE SENENG BGT DEMI APAPUUUNN YEAAAAAAAY THANK YOU HAAAJ :*

:) seneng dikasih chocolate and lil teddy and red velvet cupcakes!!! cinta bgt karena enak dan itu dibikinin sama hajz mommy. gatau kenapa di saat2 kayak gini kayaknya gue sangat bersyukur dan seneng bgt. AND gue kasih gambar jg buat haj tp malu jd gak mau kasih liat heehei gais watsap

and i knoww most say love don't last, but they just might.
they just might
or they don't

oh andd promosi sekalian. gue punya clothing line namanya ALCEA ROSEA berempat sama anjani dhira indi aandd ada valentine's day specialnya :) harap stay tuned.

-love, nadine
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so here's the deal

oh hai. gue kira blogger udah gak jaman jadi gue udah gak update lagi HE lol ok. but tumblr is always updated.
so gue memutuskan untuk tetap mengupdate blogger minimal sebulan sekali,. i don't even now if people read my shit anymore ha but i actually don't think people read my posts cs even i admit they're absolute shit.

so here i am trying to light up this blog but it probably will not work. i'm giving up. hanya ingin menunjukkan ini, sedikit random posts which i think is worth posting WHICH according to people is not LOL.

i drew that. he he that's Jack Barakat

Zach Merrick is probably the newest member of the band.
it's on the So Wrong It's Right CD

Aisyah Arifin made me do this

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cs after all we're actors on a stage..right?

Safe little house
Safe little friends
Safe little thoughts to keep you safe
From all those big bad wolves
That eat you up (aww shit)
Safe in your room
Safe as a tomb
Sleep in a coffin made of glass
It takes a big façade to hide the cracks

Can you make, this last
‘Cause now I’m not so sure
Are you up, to the task
Sometimes the sickness is the cure
You’re searching so hard
You’ve lost yourself

Does it help you to play
As you’re wasting away
Like a silver-screen cliché
‘Cause after all we’re actors on a stage
(O-oh, o-oh; o-oh, o-oh)
Would it help you to wait
For the moment to break
‘Cause it really isn’t fate
All we are just chapters on a page
(O-oh, o-oh; o-oh, o-oh)
‘Cause after all, we’re actors on a stage

Here in the now
Shedding the doubts
There’ll be no past or future tense
Regrets are waste of time
And plans will change
(Plans will always change)
Oh, some for the worst, some for the best
You know you can’t always get your way,
So worried about what’s next
You lost today (Oh, you lost today)

Can you make, this last
‘Cause now I’m not so sure,
Are you up, to the task
Sometimes the sickness is the cure
(The sickness is the cure)
You’re searching so hard
You’ve lost yourself

Does it help to play
As you’re wasting away
Like a silver-screen cliché
‘Cause after all we’re actors on a stage
(O-oh, o-oh, o-oh, o-oh)
Would it help you to wait
For the moment to break
‘Cause it really isn’t fate
All we are just chapters on a page
(O-oh, o-oh, o-oh, o-oh)
‘Cause after all we’re actors on a stage

Can you let yourself
Can you let yourself
Will you let yourself
Will you let yourself
Let go, let go
Can you let yourself
Can you let yourself
Would you let yourself
Just let yourself
Let go, let go

Safe little house
Safe little friends
Safe little thoughts to keep you safe

Does it help you to play
As you’re wasting away
Like a silver-screen cliché
‘Cause after all we’re actors on a stage
(O-oh o-oh, o-oh o-oh)
Would it help you to wait
For the moment to break
‘Cause it really isn’t fate
All we are just chapters on a page
(Chapters on a page)

Does it help you to play
As you’re fading away
Like a memory
‘Cause all we are just chapters on a page
(Chapters on a page)
And after all we’re actors on a stage
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party with Nick Santoso with 7E

finally. kita ketemu Nick Santoso, tanggal 17 Juni 2010. yupp it's dufan day with 7E! huu pgnnya kelas 8 bareng 7E lagi :'(

anyway. gue sama indi pas di bis udah ngomongin "ndi ndi nanti ada Nick Santoso gak ya itu kan fortress dia, tempat hang outnya." well.........sort of. turns out, masuk masuk kita langsung ketemu.............

HEY NICK! mirip kann sama Nick Santino di video Like We Used To ye gak? here it is kalo blm liat.

okaay. back to the point about our dufan trip. AWH-SUM cumaa sangat sangat amat kurang puas, there are 5 more important rides to go on. ontang anting, pontang panting, niagara gara, journey to the center of the eartg, and.........HALILINTAR MASA BLM. ok deh kita sampe di Dufan jam 12an *kesiangan gitu*, anddd wahana pertama: toilet. done. hoping that inside i wouldn't go to the bathroom.

abis itu kita ngantri: KORA KORA

aib alert! huo ini ride pertama, sumpah pgn nangis haha gue udah nendang nendang kursi depan HA there were butterflies in my belly.

so, next up: kee-cheer kee-cheer. gue gak naik HAHAHA pusing takut muntah.

AHAHA sigit sama kak fajar. sigit tampangnya datar -_-- okee

up next: kita iseng naik itu loh gue lupa namanya yg ulet panjang mini roller coaster. pusing ngeliat orang muter berkali kali, ternyata kita juga -,-

>>>: TORNADO WOOH. yang naik cuma indi, gue, aisyah, tia, tara, dio, kak fajar, wastu, gigih lubis. gue waktu duduk di tempat duduknya mau nangis ha. padahal gue udah pernah naik tapi lupa rasanya -,- ternyata..............FUNNN gak serem, gak pusing, gak kenapa kenapa, cuma kayak mau jatoh.

right after that kita sempet ngantri buat HYSTERIA yang gue gak berani naikin soalnya rasanya bakal kayak kora kora, lagi mencoba untuk menjauh dari rides yang bergerak dari atas ke bawah. lalu ada sedikit masalah. DIBENERIN HA HA HA kayak rusak gitu lama bgt gak jalan jalan terus akhirnya semua nyerah keluar saking lamanya.

weheeww gue ketutupan gak keliatan.
abis itu kita makan di Simpang Raya makan padang huu singkat dan kenyang.

next: kita memutuskan untuk naik yg seloww dulu soalnya takut muntah abis makan, kita foto dulu

kita naik yang rajawali terbang itu tapi gak difoto, pusing -_--

abis itu kita mikir gini: "eh mendingan arung jeram aja yuk. nanggung mumpung lagi deket""eh tapi jangan ah kan itu harusnya terakhir""ah ya udah ke rumah miring aja yuk ke daerah sana lah yang ada rumah kaca segala""niagara gara ajaa""oke". kita jalan jauh BANGET dari ujung ke ujung. terus pas kita sampe, JENGGGG ngantri niagara gara kayak apaan sampe keluar tempat antriannya, gak jadi decc. rumah kaca deh, singkat sekali, abis itu rumah miring yang juga sangat singkat. terus gara gara males ngantri niagara gara, kita..........

>>>>: jalan balik lagi ke ujung sana deket rajawali terbang buat naik arung jeram. turns out: NGANTRINYA gak jauh beda sama niagara gara AH FFFUUU. but time flies, kita ngantri satu jam, gak terlalu kerasa tiba tiba udah naik aja. kan cewek yg naik arung jeram ada 7 (gue, tara, aisyah, anjani, shena, alya, giani) terus kita kayak ngeboongin alya gitu kalo satu perahu tempat duduknya cuma 6 terus alya gak boleh ikut HAHA jahat ya. lewat. kursinya ada 8, normal normal saja, tapi ternyata satu kursi sisa diambil.....WASTU. spot gue sama aisyah sangat tidak basah, spot shena sangat BASAH, dia marah marah sendiri gara gara dia basah bgt terus dia nyiprat nyipratin air pake kaki ke kita semua. shenn.....................bikin tambah basah deh.

abis itu kita selesai, ganti baju. kembali kering.

on the bus....ada tragedi senang, ada tragedi mengagetkan.
sedih/senang: fadel nembak alya tapi ditolak :( / wastu nembak shena diterima sooo sweet langsung duduk sebelahan :)
mengagetkan: bis kita ditabrak beruntun. hard to believe, but it's true. mobil APV belakang kita yang nabrak kita, kacanya ancur, depannya ancur setengah sebelah kanan. and mobil belakangnya lagi gak terlalu jelas. awalnya gue kira kita ngelindes orang SEREM BGT PARAH kayak ada gruduk gruduk gitu pas kita jalan, terus pas lewat ada kayak some sort of liquid just laying there kayak blood. ternyata kayaknya oli -_- we're just being dramatic. 

kita berenti di kantor polisi agak lama, gue gak nyadar kita ada di kantor polisi sampe ada yang ngomong, panik. gue sampe take over twitternya indi terus mention mention orang bilang: kita ditahan.................padahal sebenernya cuma ditahan sebentar doang di parkiran di dalem bis nungguin supir bisnya selesai.

sampe di drop off point is about 7.30 or over. capek. pulang. awesome day. byeee thanks 7E for everything through the year, it's been awesome. i just wish we could all b in the same class in 8th grade but that's not possible. semoga aja deh bisa mendekati 7E and as awesome as 7E. bai.
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singkat sekali

HALOOO Pretty Little Liars udah ada yang episode 3 loh, kalo mau nonton sana oke? oke deh ngasih tau aja bai.
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Pretty Little Biatch

ehh abis ngeliat postnya dita itu jadi inget Pretty Little Liars. (click to see). awalnya gue baca bukunya yang emang serunyaparah gak boong sekali baca gak bisa berenti. terus tiba tiba di Teen Vogue ada featurenya Pretty Little Liars dijadiin series teruuussss gue nonton. ceritanya bagus, i love it! buuutttttthole charactersnya gak pas -.- BEDA BGTT sama yang di buku. kalo di buku Hanna itu harusnya rambutnya auburn, Spencer dirty blonde, Emily reddish blonde, Mona white blonde, terus harusnya mereka tuh yang kayak perfect gitu THE BODEEHH tingginya sama semua, kurusnya sama gidude.

ini yang di buku:

 left to right: Hanna, Spencer, Emily, Aria

ini yang di series:

left to right: Hanna, Emily, Aria, Spencer

beda ya -.- terus ceritanya juga ada yang diubah, gatau kenapa i like reading the book better tapi nonton filmnya juga seruu kayak lebih misterius gimana gitu hoho. gue udah baca every single Pretty Little Liars book including Wicked, Killer, and Heartless kecuali yang pertama, yang warna kuning. -_--

gue kan lagi nyari nyari foto Pretty Little Liars terus ada ini HAHA fail mukanya diganti

"she knew too much" -A
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i love Jac Vanek. i love All Time Low. they're in a picture together

MAU. yang mau beliin baik bgt sumpah gak boong. i will worship you.