
dedication: chika's blog (kakak sepupu) and her post

here to talk about our dreams, as in cita-cita.

some people say they want to be a designer
some people say they want to be a sports star
some people say they want to be a pilot
some people say they want to be president (hard or may never happen)
some people say they want to be a gold digger (not a choice)

me myself, wanted to have a job like wondering how it's like to be a singer and song writer. you just play the chords and find the lyrics to that song, and name every single guitar i have. want to try it, for a day. nah not really into it. tapi mau nyoba.

like my brother, he doesn't really have a choice in life, at least that what he thinks.

adek: "papa sekarang pindah kerjaan aja kerjanya di alfamart"
papa: "kerja di alfamart?"
adek: "kalo papa gamau ya udah aku aja, biar bisa ngambil ngambil barang setiap hari gratis di alfamart"

and i was like "whooaa whaddya thinkin there, awas aja kalo lo kalo udah gede beneran kerja di alfamart"

dia bisa dapet pikiran gitu karena kita pas lagi ngelewatin alfamart, how stupiddd. adek gue bawel. kayak tadi pagi, gue bangun, adek gue lagi nonton Barbie and the Three Musketeers dengan ALASAN: penasaran filmnya kayak apa.

left to right:
rahajeng sekarini herbimanti (chika), me, ADEK NADHIFF

the boy creeps me out a lot

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