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so badly. you dirty Lebanese bastard

you fat hot fuck.
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the maine................

AAAH salting. this is totally my year, jadi The Maine officially ke sini tanggal 23 September. sebelumnya om adrie udah ngetweet the maine........ terus tadi pas di rumah om adrie pas dia lewat gue teriak "OOMMMM THE MAINEE!" dia menunjukkan hand gestures angka 23. 23 LALALALAALALAALLALA AAAHH oAHoAHoAHoAHoAHoah 1 2 1234 we like to party we like we like to party we like to party we like we like to party
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lady gaga

gue liat twitternya lady gaga terus dia bilang mau ada live interview yasudah gue buka iseng HA

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oh my g!askarth

tadi gue bangun jam 6 lewat langsung mandi, siap siap terus ngacir ke rumah om adrie. gila apaan deh tadi gue sampe rumah om adrie jam setengah 8 tapi..........udah dapet nomer 209 aja coba AAHH DAMN IT. thank god ternyata indi nitip ke yang duluan ternyata, jadi gue ambil nomer dia 136, padahal gue sampe 10 menit abis indi sampe masa udah nyampe 209 sih gila ya. terus tiba tiba ada rani, terus ada windi. rani ambil nomer gue, windi ambil nomer rani. yesh. pas udah dipanggil ada dita nadira sama nabila, nomernya rani dikasih ke mereka. terus ada fhaya. gue ngantri dari jam setengah 8 baru dapetnya jam setengah 12 coba -_- itu juga presale 2, presale 1nya udah abis aja. gila ya indonesian hustlers banyak bgt, saingan gue..krik. ok deh abis udah dapet bukti pembayarannya masukin kertas buat undian, wish me luck. wish me luck. amin. amin. imma cry. bye.

oh iya terus dita sama nadira difoto terus ditweet sama @JavaMusikindo

here i come.

fuck. yeah.
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presale here i come

MASA GUE SEARCH TWEETS TENTANG PRESALE ALL TIME LOW PADA BILANG DI SANA UDAH RAME. AH FFFFFUUUUUUU. so. gue mau jalan sekarang ya since i'm a true fan takut keabisan tiket kalo sampe keabisan nangis ngibrit ke rumah om adrie. and imma be imma be imma imma imma be there soon, bye.

note: IT'S 6.15 A.M. ASSHOLE
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Trace Cyrus with a bikini


oke. judul gak nyambung. tapi Jack pernah bilang he would love to see Horse-Faced Trace in a bikini -_-*
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zack jack and alex died.
the small animal with a shell which my brother named after zack jack and alex, all of them died. even if i promised indi that zack wouldn't die. no. shit.

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a long enough conversation after coffee shop soundtrack

at a concert in New York City which they recorded for STD and Travis Clark from We The Kings barged on stage and sing the last words of the song.
All Time Low just finished performing Coffee Shop Soundtrack and this conversation happened:

alex: there it is. that's the moment, that's the fucking moment right there
jack: BTG
alex: what does that mean?
jack: Bare T***y Group
alex: Boys Tuck Girls
jack: Boys Touch Girls
alex: Boys Touch Girls that was better, that was funnier
jack: that's a Boys Like Girls cover band
alex: *laughs* what are we changing our name to?
jack: *weird sounds*
alex: so, before we start this next song. i think, a little bit of recognition is in order
jack: we have one of the best crews, out of any fuckin man in the world
alex: this shit would not get done without them, so
jack: we have to thank our crew because they're fuckin awesome
alex: hey can we, can we assemble them on stage? i know some of you are [gak jelas] and Jeff Maker and Evan Kirkendall our sound guy and our light guy..
jack: it doesn't matter
alex: you guys fuckin rule. you're nice to look at, and you're nice to tour with, so.
jack: if you see.....[interrupted]
alex: give it up for them back there right now
alex: now...[interrupted]
jack: HEY ALEX! those two people are making out!
alex: where?
jack: there
alex: OH SHIT
alex: he's on it. look at that [gak jelas] YO SWIVEL. it's two girls! no. maybe. no it's not, it's a guy. HAHAHA. i'm sorry dude you have long hair and..you're tan, and you're not very hairy like i am and.....
jack: we thought you're Chad Kroeger from Nickelback

alex: i'm just sayin dude if i met you in a dark alley i might make out with you accidentally but hey. all french kissing distractions aside i'd like to bring the crew out on stage, the ones that are up here.GET OUT HERE.
alex: i know, Juliet [Simms] kissed me. i know. i know i have lipstick. i was saving it.
alex: GRIECO GET OUT HERE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING? why are you being so awkward?
jack: grieco fuckin sucks
alex: i'm gonna come back there come on, get out here!
alex: come onnnn *getting a dog to come to him tone*
jack: guys get out here!
alex: come onnn, come onnn
jack: get the fuck out WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG?
alex: come onnn, come onnnnn. god damn it they look so ashamed they're like fuck man.
jack: you guys look like you're a fucking [gak jelas]
alex: *laughs* Alex Grieco, Matt Flyzik, Danny Kurily, AND MATT COLUSSY!!! GIVE IT UPPPPP!
alex: nice Louis Vuitton belt. it's because he works for All Time Low he makes enough money
jack: DANNY you can't ask for rays and come to work wearing a Louis Vuitton 400 dollar belt
alex: dude i just don't feel like you guys pay me enough. DANNY. you're wearing more expensive clothes than i am, you just stepped out of a real jet what am i supposed to think? *laughs*

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saturday bore plans

  • belom mandi
  • online
  • chat
  • post
  • tumblr
  • twitter
  • listen to music
  • mandi
  • belajar dikit
  • tap tap
  • no other plans than.........BORE  
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ALL TIME LOW will show me their STD

oh myyyy fcking god
thank god udah pesen dan dibolehin beli. thanks mom daddddddd!

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memories are precious


i got this from tumblr

gue baca baca older posts gue dari agustus...................langsung nge flash back semua seru deh, all those precious memories are recorded. jadi gue mau itu ah apasih sekarang mulai nge post daily lagi, incase. 

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i watched kick ass with my little brother and he responded unexpectedly. seru loh filmnya, WATCH! i love hit girl not in a gay way.

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friday is a FINE day

jadi kemaren itu jumat WEHEEW seru deh kalo jumat pulangnya cepet terus gabanyak bacot. tapi ada latman ilsos gila apa bgt deh.

jadi gak ada kejadian menarik memang, tapi jangan lupa scroll ke bawah dikit itu ada video ALIA IRADINE MAKAN WASABI FULL SPEED oh iya sama sama windi!

pertama kita mat, masa blm dibagiin juga nilai ulangannya -_- yasudahlah.
abis itu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agama gapenting ngedengerin presentasi.
terus nah ini, abis istirahat kita ilsos pegelnya astaga yAllah sumpah. pokoknya seperti biasa guru kita menghibur kita saat dengan susah payah mencoba untuk mengerjakan and done! maksa ada yang ngaco jawabnya. terus keputrian huu it's the last one this semester, minggu depan libur minggu depannya lagi udah EHB and finished 7th grade finally.
terus kita nungguin indi dulu, dia lama bgt jadi kita gangguin "ndi cepetan di zack nungguin di 7 eleven 15 menit lagi pergi dia!!!" langsung cepet kayak kilat ngerjainnya

pulang sekolah shena ngajakin kita ke 7 eleven oke deeh HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHENAAAA! <:o gak ada yang mau ikut mobil alya terus alya pake nyasar dulu kayaknya.
i guess that's it for the day! just another way of saying how ridicuous i'm feeling right now. males. pegel. oke bye mau nonton shrek yang baru/KICK ASS bye
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wasabi video click HERE

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shoes are meant to switch

masa kemaren sepatu gue ketuker LAGI -_-"

jadi waktu itu sepatu gue pernah ketuker pas LDKS. gue ambil sepatu gue yang converse nangkring tinggal satu di sana pas selesai shalat abis LDKS. eh ternyata....................ketuker, bahagianya dunia. ketukernya sama tapi. bedanya terletak pada UKURAN. dia dapet yang 5 1/2 gue dapet size 7 coba maunya apasih kegedean kayak big foot. gue panik gatau itu punya siapa, eh tiba tiba 2 hari kemudian dituker sendiri sama orangnya....

terus kemaren juga. abis shalat pelatihan KAOS, gue buru-buru soalnya mau ditinggalin.gue baru nyadar pas di citos pulang sekolah, nih sepatu apaan deh kok kayak beda gitu ya. ternyata JENG JENGGGG salah ambil. udah ah nyerah, tapi ternyata ada yang tau juga itu sepatu siapa di twitter, thanks ifa calistol. SAVED!

oh iya tadi pagi gue kejeduk tangga sampe benjol.
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wednesday. at least no homework for tomorrow.

agak sedikit lega karena inget besoknya gak ada tugas penting -_- ya udah deh sekolah kayak biasa terus kulot gue satu ilang kebawa orang.

ah tau ah males nulis..................besok aja ya
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masa pat yang di the maine ngetweet gini

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happy birthday shawnee anjani. alia iradine-wasabi-saved

this is what we did yesterday

maaf win.................ai lop yu

click HERE to view video
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these things matter

everyday i see my dream
eeeeeee veryday i see my dream

i dreamt of all time low 6 times this year
is that a good sign? or isn't it

i need more people to visit my blog
is it really important? no it isn't

i want it
who doesn't want it?

i want you to follow my tumblr --> http://nadineundefined.tumblr.com
is it THAT important?
no. but do it anyways.

isn't it fcking obvious?
no it's not and let's not give a sht about it.

they got everything
i D-O-N-'T   
but who cares?

all you got is all i got
and i'm proud

cathing up is hard work
but it's not impossible either

i need more followers on twitter --> @nadineeaa
i desperately need you to effin follow

can you see it?
no? neither can i
what is it exactly?
it's up to you and me to find out

things don't just fall out of the sky
but things just fall down eventually and approximately

you think you're all that?
not to be rude but

someday at some point
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shockhound. all time low straight to DVD premiere

"HEY WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE JUSTIN BIEBER SONG?" you did not just say that jack -__-"

same jack pose over and over again
all the love
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stop motion commercial

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i drew this. i love it.

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jalex gets in

aaw jalex is so dayum cute

 alex did this because he caught jack cheating

 jack: sorry i fell asleep next to you alex
alex: it's okay girlfrieendd *finger snaps* i enjoyed it

jack's baby face and alex's [fill in the blank] face

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old vid but who cares right

are you drunk Rian ? -__-"

he's so positive
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flip. flops. gabe.

i just realized gabe's wearing flip flops here

vicky: aku cinta jakarta
suarez: terima kasih cyinnn
gabe: took off his shirt *tweeted on stage*
nate: *sweatin*
ryland: act dumb on playing guitar
candy: *MACARENAA*
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"i'm the prince of persia"

 that's not you alex. no.
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alex? $#%$^#!

what's with alex's hair???  
and his yellow v-neck shirt

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i call this one

overheard a group of people sitting next to me at a table DI A&W talking about how All Time Low agreed to do a concert here, I was apparently trying to hear everything they say until one of them (A DUDE) said "I thought Jack's got a small D***"

and I was like WHAAA??? it's not like I know his d*** size but FTWWW I threw a CD case at their table and ran away without feeling guilty.