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party with Nick Santoso with 7E

finally. kita ketemu Nick Santoso, tanggal 17 Juni 2010. yupp it's dufan day with 7E! huu pgnnya kelas 8 bareng 7E lagi :'(

anyway. gue sama indi pas di bis udah ngomongin "ndi ndi nanti ada Nick Santoso gak ya itu kan fortress dia, tempat hang outnya." well.........sort of. turns out, masuk masuk kita langsung ketemu.............

HEY NICK! mirip kann sama Nick Santino di video Like We Used To ye gak? here it is kalo blm liat.

okaay. back to the point about our dufan trip. AWH-SUM cumaa sangat sangat amat kurang puas, there are 5 more important rides to go on. ontang anting, pontang panting, niagara gara, journey to the center of the eartg, and.........HALILINTAR MASA BLM. ok deh kita sampe di Dufan jam 12an *kesiangan gitu*, anddd wahana pertama: toilet. done. hoping that inside i wouldn't go to the bathroom.

abis itu kita ngantri: KORA KORA

aib alert! huo ini ride pertama, sumpah pgn nangis haha gue udah nendang nendang kursi depan HA there were butterflies in my belly.

so, next up: kee-cheer kee-cheer. gue gak naik HAHAHA pusing takut muntah.

AHAHA sigit sama kak fajar. sigit tampangnya datar -_-- okee

up next: kita iseng naik itu loh gue lupa namanya yg ulet panjang mini roller coaster. pusing ngeliat orang muter berkali kali, ternyata kita juga -,-

>>>: TORNADO WOOH. yang naik cuma indi, gue, aisyah, tia, tara, dio, kak fajar, wastu, gigih lubis. gue waktu duduk di tempat duduknya mau nangis ha. padahal gue udah pernah naik tapi lupa rasanya -,- ternyata..............FUNNN gak serem, gak pusing, gak kenapa kenapa, cuma kayak mau jatoh.

right after that kita sempet ngantri buat HYSTERIA yang gue gak berani naikin soalnya rasanya bakal kayak kora kora, lagi mencoba untuk menjauh dari rides yang bergerak dari atas ke bawah. lalu ada sedikit masalah. DIBENERIN HA HA HA kayak rusak gitu lama bgt gak jalan jalan terus akhirnya semua nyerah keluar saking lamanya.

weheeww gue ketutupan gak keliatan.
abis itu kita makan di Simpang Raya makan padang huu singkat dan kenyang.

next: kita memutuskan untuk naik yg seloww dulu soalnya takut muntah abis makan, kita foto dulu

kita naik yang rajawali terbang itu tapi gak difoto, pusing -_--

abis itu kita mikir gini: "eh mendingan arung jeram aja yuk. nanggung mumpung lagi deket""eh tapi jangan ah kan itu harusnya terakhir""ah ya udah ke rumah miring aja yuk ke daerah sana lah yang ada rumah kaca segala""niagara gara ajaa""oke". kita jalan jauh BANGET dari ujung ke ujung. terus pas kita sampe, JENGGGG ngantri niagara gara kayak apaan sampe keluar tempat antriannya, gak jadi decc. rumah kaca deh, singkat sekali, abis itu rumah miring yang juga sangat singkat. terus gara gara males ngantri niagara gara, kita..........

>>>>: jalan balik lagi ke ujung sana deket rajawali terbang buat naik arung jeram. turns out: NGANTRINYA gak jauh beda sama niagara gara AH FFFUUU. but time flies, kita ngantri satu jam, gak terlalu kerasa tiba tiba udah naik aja. kan cewek yg naik arung jeram ada 7 (gue, tara, aisyah, anjani, shena, alya, giani) terus kita kayak ngeboongin alya gitu kalo satu perahu tempat duduknya cuma 6 terus alya gak boleh ikut HAHA jahat ya. lewat. kursinya ada 8, normal normal saja, tapi ternyata satu kursi sisa diambil.....WASTU. spot gue sama aisyah sangat tidak basah, spot shena sangat BASAH, dia marah marah sendiri gara gara dia basah bgt terus dia nyiprat nyipratin air pake kaki ke kita semua. shenn.....................bikin tambah basah deh.

abis itu kita selesai, ganti baju. kembali kering.

on the bus....ada tragedi senang, ada tragedi mengagetkan.
sedih/senang: fadel nembak alya tapi ditolak :( / wastu nembak shena diterima sooo sweet langsung duduk sebelahan :)
mengagetkan: bis kita ditabrak beruntun. hard to believe, but it's true. mobil APV belakang kita yang nabrak kita, kacanya ancur, depannya ancur setengah sebelah kanan. and mobil belakangnya lagi gak terlalu jelas. awalnya gue kira kita ngelindes orang SEREM BGT PARAH kayak ada gruduk gruduk gitu pas kita jalan, terus pas lewat ada kayak some sort of liquid just laying there kayak blood. ternyata kayaknya oli -_- we're just being dramatic. 

kita berenti di kantor polisi agak lama, gue gak nyadar kita ada di kantor polisi sampe ada yang ngomong, panik. gue sampe take over twitternya indi terus mention mention orang bilang: kita ditahan.................padahal sebenernya cuma ditahan sebentar doang di parkiran di dalem bis nungguin supir bisnya selesai.

sampe di drop off point is about 7.30 or over. capek. pulang. awesome day. byeee thanks 7E for everything through the year, it's been awesome. i just wish we could all b in the same class in 8th grade but that's not possible. semoga aja deh bisa mendekati 7E and as awesome as 7E. bai.
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singkat sekali

HALOOO Pretty Little Liars udah ada yang episode 3 loh, kalo mau nonton sana oke? oke deh ngasih tau aja bai.
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Pretty Little Biatch

ehh abis ngeliat postnya dita itu jadi inget Pretty Little Liars. (click to see). awalnya gue baca bukunya yang emang serunyaparah gak boong sekali baca gak bisa berenti. terus tiba tiba di Teen Vogue ada featurenya Pretty Little Liars dijadiin series teruuussss gue nonton. ceritanya bagus, i love it! buuutttttthole charactersnya gak pas -.- BEDA BGTT sama yang di buku. kalo di buku Hanna itu harusnya rambutnya auburn, Spencer dirty blonde, Emily reddish blonde, Mona white blonde, terus harusnya mereka tuh yang kayak perfect gitu THE BODEEHH tingginya sama semua, kurusnya sama gidude.

ini yang di buku:

 left to right: Hanna, Spencer, Emily, Aria

ini yang di series:

left to right: Hanna, Emily, Aria, Spencer

beda ya -.- terus ceritanya juga ada yang diubah, gatau kenapa i like reading the book better tapi nonton filmnya juga seruu kayak lebih misterius gimana gitu hoho. gue udah baca every single Pretty Little Liars book including Wicked, Killer, and Heartless kecuali yang pertama, yang warna kuning. -_--

gue kan lagi nyari nyari foto Pretty Little Liars terus ada ini HAHA fail mukanya diganti

"she knew too much" -A
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i love Jac Vanek. i love All Time Low. they're in a picture together

MAU. yang mau beliin baik bgt sumpah gak boong. i will worship you.
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party with Nick Santoso

dufan. i met Nick Santino.17-06-10. WAITTTTT this is a fucking distraction,i'm still waiting for the photos HAH ok deh.
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i finally bought it SENANGGGGG

thanks a lot mom! i really mean it, if you didn't know about my crazy obsession over the band, you wouldn't convince dad to buy it for me HAH. senanggggg lompat lompat sendiri. gue nonton sampe setengah 3 pagi coba HAHA and i kept screaming and AA pgn nangis terus through the dvd

masa gue beli Read Between The Lines aja gak boleh. Hot Mess yang ada bonus dvdnya gak boleh, malah bolehnya yang lokal. Straight To DVD? kok boleh sih. well i made it obvious for them to see i'm crazy and All Time Low is my favorite band ever. i love you Jack, let's get married tomorrow. maybe itu adalah kenapa nyokap gue ngebolehin kalo All Time Low sedangkan yang lain gak.

gue order, and the next day with the best of luck i got a phone call! yup the dvd's here and i headed right straight to buy it.

i'm so fucking glad i didn't downloaded it out of the internet, that would be illegal. nanti gue ditampol alex. walaupun sebenernya dia juga gak tau dan gue download most of their songs off the internet. ok deh gak penting tapi INI DVDDDD jadi yaa buying is more like it.

P.S. for fake fans out there: for the record, buying the DVD doesn't make you a true fan. KNOWING in the first place and FEELING what's inside does. so stop trying. i don't care.
even if the dvd's sama sekali gak edukatif and there's an awful lot of nude scenes. awful.....AWESOME
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oh no u di'ent Demi

they''re hugging -.-

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ingatlah hari itu (Sabtu 12 Juni 2010)

kakak kakak OSIS angkatan 17 makasih ya udah ngebimbing kita sampe sejauh ini, kita bakal coba sebaik mungkin buat jadi penerus yang baik dan bawa nama baik angkatan 17. yang jadi tim inti congrats, yang jadi tim pelopor jangan sedih ya kita semua ngedukung kok dan bukan berarti kalian gagal. sekali lagi makasih ya kakak kakak OSIS terutama Kak Thaya sama Kak Witsqa karena udah sabar jadi mentor kita dan ternyata hasilnya gak sia sia. pas api unggun kita nyiapin lagu yang dadakan dibuat satu jam sebelum itu buat ngasih tanda terima kasih kita ke kalian. dan ternyata kalian juga nyiapin lagu dadakan buat kita :'( lagu yang kita pilih ternyata sama, ternyata kita kompak ya dan kita gak pernah sadar.

P.S: yang dubbing pembicaraan pas kita makan itu bikin ngakak gak boong.

ini lagu yang kita siapin: Ingatlah Hari Ini (edited)

Kakak sangat berarti, istimewa di hati
Slamanya rasa ini
Jika tua nanti kita tlah hidup masing masing
Ingatlah hari ini

Don't you worry, just be happy
Adikmu di sini

Kakak sangat berarti
Istimewa di hati, slamanya rasa ini
Trimakasih kakak tlah menemani kita semua
Ingatlah hari ini

worth remembering. worth crying at. worth everything. gue nangis kayak apaan. :'( kita gak bakal ngelupain kalian, this is a memory of a lifetime.
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an epic fail

HAHAHA i knew jasey's a dude.

no i was just kiddin.
an epic fail indeed, and it's on STD
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basil twins

paul and jack. basil twins, yes they are. mirip ya mirip bgt.
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our last day of studying all this ssshht

yap hari ini hari terakhir ulangan sama 7e :'( :') sedih dan senang. sedih harus pisah sama 7e yang udah kompak dan solid. senang karena akhirnya naik kelas 8 ada drama.

so far this is my final exam results:
  • b ind: 80
  • agama: 93
  • math: 96
  • pkn: 98
  • ilsos: 92
  • b ing: 85
that's about it. bye. gue gak mau ceramah dan bikin kalian nangis. dan sekali lagi itu adalah cara gue bilang: males, capek, ngantuk, mau nonton, pegel. adios.
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why do you keep talking about Indonesia? you're crazy about us and i'm crazy about you
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All Time Low is my life. and my life's based on reality.♥

All Time Low is forever and since for EVERR my favorite band ever. and why is that? they're dirty. and that's not the point. they have their own ways of connecting with their fans, different ways which makes us proud to be hustlers and that was their mission, to tell as many dick jokes as possible show the world who they are by connecting with their fans. their ways don't only get them more fans but they made true hustlers believe. like they stood up for their fans when security pepper sprays them, i know it's those fans' own fault but they were just stoked to see their favorite band perform in front of their fucking faces.

other than that. kids shouldn't watch them, they uses bad words and mocking everytime but it's definitely a lesson for us (not such good lessons but worth anyway). my brother is a victim. a victim of hot dudes running naked and wild. but that again wasn't the point, their looks. passion for music. love for their fans means everything. like staring at their faces on my phone, over 200 videos about them makes me.........proud of myself and of them. proud that i knew about them in the first place. proud they even existed.

anyway don't just take people's credits for anything. you should at least share that credit if don't wanna keep it to yourself and not brag. ex: lo baru tau All Time Low dikasih tau temen lo. terus langsung gila di mana mana "WESS ALL TIME LOW KEREN BGT WOYY""maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year""fuckyeahalltimelowrulesmylifeandi'matruehustler". you should at least tell everyone who told you about them. and don't act like you're a better fan than the person who told you about them. super. fake. fan. to me anyway. say whatever you want. i don't give a fuck about it.

anddddddddd last, find the person inside you. don't copy. don't criticize. don't..whatever about this shit.
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the maine featuring hellogoodbye *lompatlompat*

more and more proud by the second. bye mau LOMPATLOMPAT
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nilai EHB jumat sama kemaren cukup memuaskan uuu senang.
speaking of senang. saya sangat amat bangga karena ftsk wants to come to Indonesia even without our offer. Indonesia semakin memadai buat konser konser PROUUDDDD!
FTSK's definitely ruling my world right now.

*last one taken from @AdrieSubono
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All Time Low Mtv Playlist of the day

that was on mtv.com's homepage sunday afternoon. eep. telat.
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kyle burns ftsk

HAHA udah lama sih. dia emang kerjaannya nge dm orang padahal gue gak minta apa apa. oke deeh

foto itu sangat amat pasaran it's #1 on google -_--
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from The Maine's myspace. uuuu it's on braw. *lompat lompat*
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whatever it takes-long quotes

that's my call.

"Our street corners keep secrets, and our road signs only suggest,
never deciding for us, never knowing if the destination to which
they lead, is where we truely belong.
Life's greatest tragedy is not that it will some day end,
but that most of us just live to follow directions,
and many times we end up totally lost"
-Alex Gaskarth
that's one of my favorites
and when I can stand to come near it with means to repair, the chances of walking out unscathed are slim to none. I know because I’m one; a victim of second-hand breakdowns and bad impressions, made under intoxicated conditions with poorly lit expressions. And I regret not going back, I regret not missing flights, I regret not asking for more and taking chances that I can only hope will not be forgotten. My fingers are crossed. I-O-U. Now my telephone’s dead and I can’t stand to hold out like this, but I’m constantly checking myself so as not to be a burden. Anything too heavy eventually gets dropped, no matter the cost. Let me be light as a feather, but valued enough so as to remain in a back pocket, until those jeans need washing and I find my place on a bedside table, to be read aloud on nights when memories and prying needs return to haunt the foundations of this room. Pick me up, read me every now and then, I won’t disappoint. I am witty and engaging so bless me with attention, because I’m dying for attention without any means of telling you.-Alex Gaskarth
i love his effin quotes
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thnks fr th mmrs

that photo was taken yesterday our last day as kader osises.

itu adalah foto *gue ngambil dari blog dita tapi gatau dia dapet dari mana* KAOS angkatan 18 sama OSIS angkatan 17. thanks for the memories kakak kakak OSIS yang udah dengan sangat susah payah ngebimbing dan ngajarin kita biar bisa lebih baik buat ngurusin SMP Al-Izhar. yesterday was the last day, jadi KAOS itu at first it was...............capek, boring, tapi lama lama kebiasa juga karena kita udah biasa jadi KAOS setiap hari. but the thing we realize at the end of our journey are the memories. great ones and good not so good ones. sering dimarahin gapapa lah, itu juga for our own good, to teach us a lesson for not acting the way we are supposed to act. awalnya sebenernya udah termasuk a good thing soalnya kita kepilih 50 besar yang terbaik dari 140 orang.

anyway..............diklat sounds fun soalnya seru aja gitu bareng temen lagi. our last days as 7th graders, aduh mau nangis. 7E kompak bgt loccc apalagi kalo buat drama, sayangnya nanti kelas 8 udah gak sama 7E lagi yang solid dan lalala. tapi it's always good to get to know other peeps. so that's about it. kalo gue kepilih jadi OSIS maunya jadi seksi pendidikan tapi kalo gak keplih gapapa. amin kepilih. tapi gue gak aktif sih.
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after break your little heart

Jack: hey girl come back here
Alex: what are y, what are you gonna do with her?
Jack: let me have your camera
Alex: yeah he's gonna take a picture of the crowd for you. and then maybe a picture of his balls
Jack: i wanna take a picture of the crowd
Alex: holler! you guys look fucking good, look at this
Jack: it's broken
Alex: she's like "turn it on you dick." it's not broken, you're just stupid. so we're All Time Low thank you for having us
Alex: what happened to your shirt ma'am?
Zack: hey that chick's hot dude
Alex: oh you're holding it. you look great
Jack: can i have your shirt?
Alex: you look great
Jack/Zack: can we meet up later?
Alex: she's not wearing her shirt either everyone's gonna get naked this rules.
Jack: just take it off (?)
Alex: this is the best show ever
Jack: we should pretend like we're filming a DVD every show so we get to see more boobs and dicks
Alex: HAHA i agree. she's like "god damn it i just wanna get my tits on camera"
Jack: All Time Low girls gone wild. guys gone wild too guys
Alex: look there's another one! what is, WHAT'S HAPPENINGGG? we're gonna play some songs now, hopefully you continue to get naked we'll see what happens
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Boys Like Girls playing Weightless

at The Bamboozle Roadshow 2010.

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All Time Low banned? HOW???

alex is so protective. he tried to stood up for his fans because security pepper sprayed them. and for that All Time Low is banned from playing at 6 Flags Fiesta San Antonio. :((((( 

fuck you 6 Flags security. burn in hell.
here's the video

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feeling more and more positive

by the second. feels like all of this is just a dream.
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Dear June

please bring me luck. on exams. on concerts and meet & greets. all time low.


wait for it..GIF image
that just awkwardly made me laugh
and has nothing to do with the title.

oh iya masa tadi gue nangis ke nyokap gara gara takut gak ketemu ATL. nangis beneran.
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mental breakdown

oh shit this creeps me out. DO NOT OPEN if you want to sleep well tonight. i kept thinking about the story, how awful.


sigit sori agak ngikut -_-- 


this explains everything