All Time Low is my life. and my life's based on reality.♥
All Time Low is forever and since for EVERR my favorite band ever. and why is that? they're dirty. and that's not the point. they have their own ways of connecting with their fans, different ways which makes us proud to be hustlers and that was their mission, to tell as many dick jokes as possible show the world who they are by connecting with their fans. their ways don't only get them more fans but they made true hustlers believe. like they stood up for their fans when security pepper sprays them, i know it's those fans' own fault but they were just stoked to see their favorite band perform in front of their fucking faces.
other than that. kids shouldn't watch them, they uses bad words and mocking everytime but it's definitely a lesson for us (not such good lessons but worth anyway). my brother is a victim. a victim of hot dudes running naked and wild. but that again wasn't the point, their looks. passion for music. love for their fans means everything. like staring at their faces on my phone, over 200 videos about them makes me.........proud of myself and of them. proud that i knew about them in the first place. proud they even existed.
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